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Alam Sutera Gallery

Architect Broadway Malyan
Site size 9.300 m2
Built Area 4.000 m2
Located in Jakarta, Indonesia
Competence Landscape Design

The Gallery's design strongly focuses on integrating nature into the urban environment, creating a harmonious relationship between the building and its surroundings. A simple design and bright atmosphere, with reflective water bodies and filtered natural light, help create a peaceful and natural space for visitors.

From a landscape architecture perspective, this approach is about more than just aesthetics - it's about re-establishing the emotional bond between humans and nature. By creating spaces that encourage people to stop and observe the subtleties of nature and light, the Gallery aims to help people connect with the natural world, even in the city's heart.

The use of light and shadow is also an essential element of the design, creating a dramatic beauty that draws the eye and enhances the overall experience of the space. By balancing movement and quietness, the Gallery creates a unique and engaging environment that encourages visitors to pause and appreciate the natural world, even in urban life.

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